Luke 13:25 Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.
To enter the narrow gate is to be holy and be like Jesus Christ for He is the model. As Cristians we need to follow Christ with all our hearts, no matter what it takes. At the end of this journey is the finish line which is Heaven, why do we prefer to go to purgatory or other way down, if we have already known the way to Heaven. Jesus Christ said, I am the way the truth and the Life in John 14:6., so let us strive hard to enter the narrow gate. We need to be strong in our faith, start with our prayer life, if we could just give 30 minutes in the morning talking to the Lord, or maybe we can spend 1 hour early in the morning for Him, it is for our gain, Jesus is the ultimate way, and His way is the way of love. I am not perfect but by the grace of God, I tried and keep trying and still moving forward, enduring towards the ultimate goal. Talk to God often, listen more and respond quickly. I pray that We will be able to be in line with His will everyday, though it's difficult but we need to do it. God disciplines us because He wanted us to have the best in Life, a future full of hope (Jeremiah 29:11). Trust in God in all things and all things will work unto good. Seek His will and He will do the rest. Let us not grow tired of doing good for in due time we will reap the harvest. I pray that we will be together in Heaven during the judgement day. God bless us all.
Best regards,
We will triumph with the help of God
who will trample down all our foes.(Psalm 108:14)
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