Best partner for BB creams, Mineral Compact!
For months already I've been waiting for the opportunity to buy a new mineral compact because it's so hard for me to buy one, because my skin so sensitive and oily, I think, because it just always pimples after 2 Days of use.
Well I have a new discovery that I want to share, I just want to bless other people as well by sharing this good news for all those searching for a Mineral Compact which doesn't make your face go nuts!, quality check, price , a little bit high, but try to think of it, you've got Mineral Compact, a clean, blooming, and healthy face after using it, what more can you ask for.
This product is from Korea, you can also check on their site or
Well for me it's a + ,
Just sharing till my next post!!! Godbless
We will triumph with the help of God who will trample own all our foes.(Psalm 108:14)