Sharing God's goodness and inspirations in my life


Are you sure you don't have thyroid disorder?

I was super blessed to attend this event last September 29, 2016 at Radisson Blue Hotel Cebu. This Event was primarily organized by Merck Inc. to raise awareness of thyroid disorder. I'm very happy to share this to you because me as well was super blessed with the information they've shared. 

Do you know that recent study of group of Endocrinologist shows that thyroid disorder is increasing.

In line with this Merck Inc. Initiated this informative events. 

Thyroid gland is a small butterfly shape organ found at the anterior part of the neck, which is part of our endocrine system. It's function is to take iodine found in many foods and convert it into thyroid hormones which is necessary for all your body functions and these are:
Breathing, Heart rate, Menstrual Cycle, Body weight, Body Temperature, Muscle Strength, Central and Peripheral Nervous System and Cholesterol Levels.
These hormones are called Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4) 
T3 and T4 travel in your bloodstream to reach almost every cell in the body.  These hormones regulate your heart rate and how fast your intestines process food. If T3 and T4 are low, our heart rate may be slower than normal and you may have constipation and weight gain. If T3 and T4 levels are high it will do the opposite which lead to rapid heart rate, diarrhea and weight loss.

Speaker of the Event

Dr. Chrysanthus Herrera
Medical Science and Goverment
Affairs Manager, Merck Inc.


 Dr. April Melody Abcede 
Endocrinologist/ Diplomate, Philippine Society
of Endocrinology, Diabetis & Metabolism

Dr. April Melody Abcede gave an informational talk regarding thyroid and thyroid disease symptoms, it's effects and how it will be prevented.

Effects of Over and Under Production of Thyroid Hormones

       Hypothyroidism                                                Hyperthyroidism

Signs and Symptoms
The topic that strikes me is the risk of thyroid disorders in pregnancy. Most women are unaware that they have this condition because the symptoms are similar to the changes in the body due to pregnancy, such as weight gain, fatigue and leg swelling. It also affect the development of the baby. It is estimated around one in 20 pregnant women will develop underactive hypothyroidism during pregnancy.

Based on the recent study of the Philippine Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, one in every 11 Filipino adults has goiter and around 12 Filipino adults suffered from thyroid disorders. Mostly Filipinos aren't aware about this because the awareness is extremely low. It's time to make a change and be concern right?  You could also take an online test to asses if you have higher risk of thyroid disorder. 

Ways to examine and Evaluate Goiter

Blood test, T3, T4 and THS
Thyroid Ultrasound
Thyroid Scan
Thyroid FNAB

Facts and Myths about Goiter

Eating root crops can cause goiter.(If your eating one truck of root crops per day, then that will eventually lead to having goiter )

After Child Birth can cause goiter.( Dr. April Melody Abcede  said, no, it's not true)

If the person talks so much, some says it can cause goiter. ( Dr. April Melody Abcede  said, no, it's not true)

I hope this tiny bits of information can help you. More information are available on the , this website contains a lot of information about thyroid disorder. They have also guidelines and series of test to help you asses your thyroid condition as per mentioned above. We should be aware before it's too late, prevention is better than cure. 

I also made a video about the event, where in you could here more questions raised and answered by Dr. Chrysanthus Herrera  and  Dr. April Melody Abcede . I hope you could watch and share this video to your friends and families.

Talk will start at: 00:01:20
Q and A will start at 00:06:55

Merck is the world's largest oldest pharmaceutical and chemical company with headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany. The company is one of the leading science and technology firm that works to further develop technologies that improve and enhance life.

I hope you could watched, don't forget to give it a thumbs up, share and subscribe to my youtube channel. Thank you and God bless.

Best regards,

We will triumph with the help of God who will trample down all our foes.(Psalm 108:14)

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the great and amazing article of thyroid here. Many people doesn't know how radiation included thyroid cancer. thanks you clear these things here.
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