These days everything is expensive, so why not resort to DIY. I always find a way to save and as makeup enthusiast, I would like to save but not compromising the quality of everything I do. Sharing to you right now how I wash my makeup brushes Easy and Affordable way.
Things that you need
Elastic band
Of course your dirty makeup brushes
You can use
Baby shampoo
Ordinary Shampoo
Antibacterial liquid soap
Brush cleansing pad
Egg cleansing pad is affordable
but most of all the
the DIY which I'm excited to share
DIY Brush Cleaner
Materials :
Glue Gun
Empty food container like this
Just form a dot and wave pattern
just like this
If you have everything set
then let's start the cleaning process
Using your brush cleansing pad/ DIY
- add water
- add antibacterial soap or whichever you want to use as I mentioned above
- Swirl your dirty brushes to the grooves that you made
- squeeze the excess water and set aside continue doing so until every brushes are clean
Change the water on your DIy brush cleaner in preparation for rinse,
or you can use the running water from your faucet
or use clean water
let's start with the hanger,
take the elastic band and wrap it around the hanger and insert the brush
and when done
hang and let it dry
I've made a video for you to follow hope you could check it out.
If you find this post helpful, share to your friends and loved ones, don't forget to like the video and subscribed to my youtube channel, I really appreciate if you leave your comments down below, share your own techniques, I'd love to know as well. Thank you.
Best regards,
We will triumph with the help of God who will trample down all our foes.(Psalm 108:14)
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